Lactobacillus casei was found to have the potential to cure and prevent
common health issues like high cholesterol, hypertension, and gastrointestinal diseases. Recent studies
show that L. casei's capabilities in medicine and food are highly restricted by their low transformation
efficiency of foreign DNA, due to its restriction-modification system. Our purpose is to improve the
transformation efficiency of foreign DNA in L. casei to maximize their benefits. In the laboratory, we
constructed a plasmid containing CRISPR-Cas9 in E.coli, then transformed the plasmid into L.casei so
that the target gene LSEI-2094 can be removed and the restriction-modification system can be silenced.
Lastly, we confirmed the results through both sequencing and controlled experiments to verify the
efficiency before and after the modification. Results show that the transformation efficiency has
significantly increased post-modification, it is hopeful that this modified L. casei could be applicable
in pharmaceutical and food.
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